donderdag 6 oktober 2011

SPUTNIK made in Belgium

Some trials with 1P24b in parallel

Close-up of "the little Giant from the Ural" 1P24b
No Xmas balls... just testing the drill and "Island cutter"

Definitive "chassis" for SPUTNIK MK1
..SPUTNIK Factory in ON-Land

On 80 meter:
( with the HC49 Xtalls ordered at  G3MFJ Graham ( G-QRP-Club shop )
Output power is just a bit over 1 Watt 
input to the final:  105 Volts  @35mA
( max Anodecurrent = 24 mA for min lifetime of 1000 hrs)
On 15 meter:
Output :706 milliWatt  !!

SPUTNIK on launchplatform ( sri today it's  also "Laundry day" )
Left : the DC/DC invertor
another view of the inverter
a 2500mA Ni-MH accu on board to fire up the two filaments
The + and - 12Volt battery is connected via two "Fahnestock" clips
the SPUTNIK is 100% portable and can be launched from different Launching sites hi!
Close-up of the tankcircuit for 80 meter
the two statorpackets of the polyvarcon ( 10-75pF)  and (10 -150pF) are wired in parallel, L1= +/- 36 turns , ANTcoupling L2=6 turns on T68-2

for 21 MHz ( as no T68-6 in junk-box ) used again a T68-2, this time
used 10  and 2 turns for L1 and L2
Only one stator packet 10-75pF is used

 here the difference  the one with and whitout USB 5V

Stations worked:

3 October  ( pre-Launching day hi! )
3570 KHz
antenna = trapdipool 80&40 meters at +/-8 mtr up

ON3ND: "JJ" 
ON7KO: Omer
OK1IF: Milan
ON6EN: Jan
LA1ENA : Aage
ON6NA: Paul
ON4KMB: Michel
ON4AKR: karel

to commemorate the SPUTNIK- 1
launching at 4 October 1957:

4 October 2011 
+/- 21060 KHz
antenna = TH3Jr ( 3el tri-band yagi ) at 12 mtr up

UA1CEG: Yuri
RA3AL: Gene
UA1OKO: Andy
ON6QB: Frans
W1PID: Jim
WA2TDL: Rick
VE5DC: Jerry
UA4FCO: Yuri
KE2EB: Geo
ON6RL: Guido
5 October
+/- 21060 KHz
RK1NA: Kon
UR5ZEP: Boris
UK1OKO: Andy
W1PID: Jim
W1ACL: Lindy
6 October
+/- 21060 KHz
RN4AO: Gena
7 October
+/- 21060 KHz
RX3DHR: Vlad
UA1OKO: Andy
AA1TJ  : Mike at 13:40 UTC 239 & 449 rprts
2 x SPUTNIK-Clone QSO !
CT4RL/1: David  at 16:45
AA1TJ: Mike  at 15:10  UTC solid 2 x 559  rprts , thanks a lot dear Mike !!
2 x SPUTNIK-Clone QSO !
9 October
+/- 21060 KHz
EA7/ G4WZG  op. Bern nr Malaga S-559 R-559 Chirpy
(received email frm Dieter,DL2BQD  only sigs heard frm Bern RST 559)
LZ2RS  op. Rumi S-599+10dB  R-599 with QSB
10 October
+/- 21060 KHz
UA1OKO : Andy  S-579   R-339
RU3GS : Vlad  Lipetsk S-579  R-579

3570 KHz
ON6QB: frans
G4ICP/P: Richard
ON4KMB: Michel
ON7CC: Jean
DL1JDT: Berndt
ON6EO: Wil
DG3SHD: Achim

13 October
3555 KHz  (during their daily sked  !! at 06:15 UTC )
F8GPP: ( former ON5FL)  Bernard "Ben" R-559  S-599  
ON5AG : Frank    R- 589  S-599
 Xtal "in use"  :21060 KHz 
"in waiting" positions : 3555,30 KHz and 3570 KHz

21060 KHz
K6JSS/4: Bob  R-559   S-579
AA1TJ : Mike    R-239   S- 229   "yes we can !!"
2 x SPUTNIK-Clone QSO !

14 October
21060 KHz
RA3AL: Gene  nr Moscow S579  R-549
UA1CEG: Yuri nr Petersburg S 599  R-579
OH6FQI: Jaakko Jyvaskyla S-599  R- 449
US5EVD :Alex Nikopol  S-569  R-339
21060 KHz

15 October
21060 KHz
RD9CX :Sergej  Ekatarinburg  S-599  R-599
SM2BYW : Jimmy Skelleftea  S-599  R-559
UA3UAD : Yuri  Ivanovo S-339  R-339 
2 x SPUTNIK-Clone QSO !

18 October
RN4AO:  S-559  R-229
RA3SU: Peter  S-599  R-559

19 October
21060 KHz
YO5AMF: Alex  Oradea S-599  R-529

21 October
21060 KHz
YUS5EVD: Alex  S-549 R-539

21 October
21060 KHz
R3MD: Nick  S 589 R-539

22 October
21060 KHz
IT9QAU : Ferdi Catania 
S-599+10 dB (5W)
S-599 ( 1W)
S-589 (500mW)

RA3DUO : Boris nr Moscow  S-599+10dB R-579

End of SPUTNIK period !!
(4 till 22 October 1957 )

rcvd QSL's
my first QSL direct, tnx Jim !

" other Sputnik Company's "
"VLP Homebrewers"

Some pictures of other SPUTNIKER's
(satellites & Launching Platforms...)

"the one and only" to blame for this whole




QTH Ericeira : new SPUTNIK Launching platform in progress ... 


SPUTNIK and other birds...

a little "Saw Whet" Owl ,  visiting  AA1MY, Seab's QTH...

SPUTNIK Activity in 2012

QSL-direct rcvd from Ken 

2012 Logbook  

Historic QSO
AA1TJ,Mike's Vanguard 30mW meets  ON6WJ's Sputnik 700mW

Vanguard 30mW TX

Vanguard's (regenerative) receiver

after one year ( build 03*10*2011) SPUTNIK made in Belgium  still working !
picture in the SPUTNIK cabine

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